Friday, September 13, 2013


 Dino Room
 Dino Room
 Pan and Hook
 The Yellow Brick Road
 Cinderella Ribbon
 Alice and Wonderland, Tea Party
 Alice and Wonderland, Cheshire Cat Tree
 Minnie and Stripes
 Pillow Fight
 Rolie Polie Olie
 Dallas Skyline.
 Painted kitchen tile.
 Painted kitchen tile, wide view.
Mural instillation, Kelly Lane Middle School Library, PISD
Kelly Lane Middle School Library, PISD
PISD Logo, PISD Administration Building

Kelly Lane Middle School mascot, PISD

Kelly Lane Middle School mascot, PISD

Working on the Kelly Lane Middle School mascot, PISD


Whine the Pooh


 Camping room

Italian trompe l'oeil

 Mediterranean scene, exterior of house

 Ice Cream Parlor






Mills Elementary 5th Grade Graduation Gift

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